Week at a Glance 11/20-11/24 Thanksgiving and upcoming Break
Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon
Hello and welcome to the new week!
We trust you had a wonderful weekend and extend our gratitude to everyone who joined and supported us during our Open House this weekend. We hope everyone had a blast! This week will be short and sweet! We will have an early release on Tuesday at 1 PM after our Annual Thanksgiving luncheon. There will be no school Wednesday through Friday.
Just a reminder regarding our upcoming Thanksgiving potluck luncheon on Tuesday, November 21st. In the past, our parents have contributed to a traditional Thanksgiving lunch for the students, staff, and family members, and we would like to once again ask parents to join in and help with the festivities. This is a great way to get more volunteer hours by donating items, preparing a dish, helping set up, serving, and or helping to clean up afterward. Click on this link here, which has the breakdown of side dish items and quantities needed for the luncheon. The school will provide the turkey and the gravy. Please reach out to the office if you have not confirmed your participation as we would like to get an estimate of total participants.
Now let's look at what the week ahead is going to look like:
7-8th Grade English students will be discussing historical and political connections in "Animal Farm." 6th Grade: Students will be preparing for the spelling bee and continuing to read "The Hobbit."
9-12th grade Government and Economics watching a documentary on the legislative branch
10-11th Grade English students will be beginning to read "The Great Gatsby."
12th Grade English students will be beginning "The Old Man and the Sea."
Thanksgiving Luncheon at 11:30 PM
Early Release at 1:00 PM
No School
No School
No School
Have a wonderful break and we will see you next week!
St. John’s Academy