Week at a Glance 12/4 - 12/8 Entry of the Theotokos, Spelling Bee and more!
6th graders with their Hobbit Holes Projects
Hello and welcome to the new week!
Welcome to the week ahead filled with promise and excitement! Please remember that Monday is a Feast Day, the Entry of the Theotokos. Our school will be celebrating the Liturgy in the Cathedral. Please ensure you arrive promptly at 8 am (15 minutes earlier if serving in the altar). For drop-off, use the main Cathedral entrance on Geary, the doors to the Narthex. Students can drop off their items downstairs and then head back up for Church. Attire should be in school uniforms, with PE clothes for changing later in the day. This Friday will be our oral spelling bee at 1pm (after lunch and recess). Lastly, our toy drive concludes on Wednesday, December 6th. If you wish to contribute, kindly do so by Wednesday! The collection reciprocal is located by the sign in sheet.
Now let's look at what the week ahead is going to look like:
Entrance of the Theotokos, liturgy, followed by classes
10-11th grade students Algebra 2 continue to investigate quadratic functions.
12th grade Statistics are going to present data collected for an individual projects.
4-5th Grade History, students will be learning about the tomb of Tutankhamun, the ancient game of Senet, and the life of Moses.
All classes Physical Ed. continue developing skills in an array of sports games
4-5th Grade Greek will be working on learning Greek numbers
6-8th Grade History will be studying the life of Abolitionist John Brown and preparing for a discussion about violence and justice in the context of the American Civil War.
MS Latin and HS Ancient Greek will be beginning writing projects and learning Christmas songs.
SJA Oral Spelling Bee
Have a great week!
St. John’s Academy