Week at a Glance 10/7 - 10/11 St. John's Academy Feast Day
4th and 5th Grade Greek Class
Welcome to the Week Ahead!
As we dive into another week at St. John’s Academy, we look forward to a special celebration as we honor St. John's Academy’s Feast Day. It’s a time to reflect on the history of our school and the blessings that St. John of San Francisco continues to give to our community. On Saturday, we will gather for a Liturgy, followed by fun games day. This day reminds us of the unity and faith that form the heart of our school. Let’s come together as a community to celebrate and give thanks for all that makes St. John's Academy so special!
For this upcoming week:
Feastday on Saturday:
Join us on Saturday, October 12th at 9:00 am for the school's feast day. It is the day when the relics of St. John of San Francisco were first discovered to be incorrupt. We will celebrate this day as a school with a Liturgy in English in the crypt church beneath the school at 9:00 am, followed by a light breakfast (provided by the school) and a fun game day in the school play yard. Bishop Theodosy has blessed the Russian school students to participate in the liturgy and after-liturgy event. We estimate the after-liturgy event to end by noon. Please send your children in church clothes or Russian school uniforms. We need a few parents to volunteer to manage the "fun game day" part of the celebration. The school has games available for set up outside, so please email the school office back if you can help. Confessions will be offered on Friday afternoon for those who would like to prepare to commune on Saturday.
Greek Classes:
This week, students will continue reviewing the Greek Alphabet and numbers, working through the Geia Hara series of books from Kindergarten to 6th grade. We will focus on reading comprehension, listening, and oral skills, as well as preparing for writing paragraphs and picture descriptions.
Have a wonderful week!
St. John’s Academy