Week at a Glance 10/23-10/27 Tabling at the Community Luncheon
Photo by Varia Kiryukhina; student at St.Johns
Hello and welcome to the new week!
Greetings and welcome to an exciting and promising week ahead! This week we have published our newsletter a day early to announce that we will be tabling at the Holy Cathedral Community Luncheon. This will be going on this Sunday (tomorrow) from 9::30 am to 2:00 PM. at the main church hall of the Holy Virgin Cathedral. We will be giving out some cool swag but also answering any questions that you might have. Feel free to stop by!
A little update from last week, we would like to congratulate the house of Constantinople on winning the math house contest on Wednesday. Don’t worry there will be more house contests so the other house will have a chance to win as well!
Additionally, we’d like to remind everyone about the revival of the homework help program at St. John's Academy. Mr. Florakis and Mr. Howry will be supervising these after-school sessions, scheduled from Monday to Thursday, running from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. There's an option to reserve a spot on a monthly basis, and a discount for those who sign up for the entire Semester 1. If you're interested in enrolling your child in the program or need more information, please reach out to the office.
Now let's look at what the week ahead is going to look like:
K-1st Grade Religion will be learning about prayer
2-5th Grade Religion will be learning about Old Testament Prophets
4-5th Grade Art will finish up Mosaics for the open house
2-3rd Grade U.S. History will start the chapter about George Washington
6th Grade English students will begin reading "The Hobbit" and learning about J.R. Tolkien's influence on classical literature.
6-7th Grade Math will be having a test
7-8th Grade English students will begin reading "Animal Farm."
10-11th Grade Math will be having a test
10-11th Grade Literature students will explore and discuss parent/child relationships in "The Scarlet Letter."
6-8th Grade Art will continue with the Monet project
12th Grade Math will be having a test
Math Cub Meeting
10-12th Grade Art/Art History will continue on their Renaissance art projects.
Have a great week!
St. John’s Academy