Week at a Glance 10/30-11/03 PSAT Testing and more!
Little House on the Prairie inspired breakfast featuring 3rd grade
Hello and welcome to the new week!
Greetings and welcome to an exciting and promising week ahead! This Monday, we have an important update to share with you. There will be PSAT testing for students in 8th through 10th grade. Please make sure to prepare accordingly and arrive on time. We wish all our students the very best in their testing endeavors! On Wednesday we will be going to St. John of Kronstadt Liturgy, which will then be followed by classes. Again please make sure you arrive on time!
In this week’s newsletter we have decided to feature the 3rd-grade class finished reading Little House on the Prairie! They had a typical breakfast and each student brought something to share with the class. We had delicious homemade cornbread, biscuits with strawberry jam, sausages, pancakes with maple syrup, and blackberries. We discussed the book, our beloveds characters, and presented our final projects to the class. Nina wrote a poem called "Laura's Life on the Prairie," John drew a picture of his favorite chapter in the book and reenacted the most exciting part, and Eva drew a picture of the family. We listened to some fiddle tunes and tried a little line dancing at the end. It was a fun event!
Now let's look at what the week ahead is going to look like:
K-1st Grade History will start learning about Ancient Egypt
5th Grade Reading and Spelling are presenting their travel brochures to countries from Gulliver's Travels, and will start reading Don Quixote
6-8th Grade Science will be studying the properties of metals as well as a test on chapters 1-5
4th-5th Grade History are preparing a play based on "The Epic of Gilgamesh"
6th Grade English students will be working on rewriting Thorin's business letter from "The Hobbit."
St. John of Kronstadt Liturgy
4/5th Grade Science will be taking a test on space and technology
7-8th Grade English Students will be writing short stories using personification in response to "Animal Farm.
10-11th Grade Literature Students will be concluding their novel study on "The Scarlet Letter," and preparing to write final essays.
8th Grade Math will be studying volume, capacity, and mass
6-8th Grade Art will continue with the Monet project
6th-8th will begin studying the causes of the American Civil War
9-12th Latin Students are learning basic conversational phrases, and verbs.
10-12th Grade Art/Art History will continue on their Renaissance art projects.
Have a great week!
St. John’s Academy