Week at a Glance (3/20-3/24) Upcoming Monastery Trip!
SJA Student: Michael AbuAli
Hello and welcome to the new week!
As we enter the fourth week of Great Lent, we approach the halfway point of our journey towards Holy Week and Pascha. This week, we commemorate the Annunciation of the Theotokos and the Sunday of St. John Climacus, reflecting on the humility and obedience of the Virgin Mary and the importance of self-discipline and spiritual struggle in our own lives.
Now let's look at what the week ahead is going to look like:
Highlight: Math club meets in Room 2, grades 7th-10th welcome!
4th Grade Science is doing electrical current activities by building snap circuits
4/5th Grades Grammar and Vocabulary will be memorizing the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling
5th Grade Science will start studying mixtures and solutions
7th Grade Math starts studying “Quadrilaterals around you”
8th Grade Algebra 1 will study function
11th Grade Math will be manipulated with Trigonometric Identities
5th Grade Spelling and Reading will finish The Secret Garden
6-8th Grades Religion will start learning about the healing of the paralytic near the pool of Siloam (John 5:2–16); The Lord’s Teaching regarding his equality To God The Father And The Universal Resurrection And Judgment (John 5:17–47)
9/10th Grade Chemistry will start learning about changes between States of Matter
9/10th Grades Geometry class will continue to study Circles and lengths of their chords, secants, and tangent segments.
12th Grade Math will study Conic sections and equations of Parabolas and Circles.
6th Grade Science will begin the life science unit
9-12th Grades Religion will start learning about Paul In Caesaria and the Prophecy of his imminent bonds (21:10–14); Paul’s Arrival In Jerusalem; The Jews cause a disturbance against him, and he is imprisoned (21:15–40).
7/8th Grade Science start learning about Global Atmospheric Changes
Field Trip!
Grades 9-12th will be going on their annual Lenten Retreat to the Platina Monastery.
Field Trip!
Grades 9-12th will be going on their annual Lenten Retreat to the Platina Monastery.
Field Trip!
Grades 9-12th will be going on their annual Lenten Retreat to the Platina Monastery.
Have a great week!
St. John’s Academy